깊은샘 : Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
페이지수 354/Health Communications
<예스24의 책소개>
청소년을 위한『Chicken Soup for the Soul』중의 한 권. 누구나 10대 시절에는 한 번쯤 겪어보았을 학업과 친구, 가정 등의 고민들에 관한 이야기를 수록하고 있다. 각각의 이야기를 집필한 저자들은 자신들의 10대 시절을 회상하면서 글을 쓰고 있어, 보다 실제적이고 공감할 수 있는 내용은 청소년에게 지혜와 용기, 희망을 줄 수 있을 것이다.
학교에서 읽으라고 지정해준 책이라서 이번 주에 읽었다 합니다.
오래전에 우리책으로 읽은 적이 있었는데 그때는 별로였었는데 영어로 읽으니 더 맘에 와닿는 게 많았다고 하네요.
우정과 관계에 대한 에피소드가 맘에 와닿았답니다..
친구들이 하는 양을 보면서 한번도 노!라고 말하지 못하는 자신에 대해서 좀 생각해봤나봐요.
그래도 여전히 노!라고 하지 못하고 바라만 볼 성격이긴 하지만요.
자기의 경험이 있었기에 작가의 경험이 더욱 마음에 닿았겠지요.
수정도 하지 않고 쓴 허접한 그대로를 올려놓습니다.
나중 시간이 흐르면서 얼마나 발전해가는 가 느껴보고 싶어서요.
Mock trial (모의재판) 준비로 정신이 없군요.
혹시 도움이 될까해서 타임투킬을 한글로 읽고 있어
원서도 주문들어가야겠네요.
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul -by Jack Canfield, Mark Hansen, and Kiberly Kimberger
Chicken soup for the teenage soul, which has a series of collection, is so famous that ordinary students would have read it at least once. I, too, read it quite a long time ago in Korean, but I now wanted to try it in English. Usually, it feels very different from reading in Korean. The book was originally written in English, so it is much easier to understand the author's original purpose, and it feels like I'm reading the real, authentic one. So I wanted to try the original book.
And the impression was better than in Korean. When I read the book in Korean, it was boring and I couldn't understand it much. Maybe it was because I didn't concentrate that hard in the book, but anyway, when I read it in English, it was more interesting. I loved all the episodes, especially the ones about relationship and friendship. The episodes were real ones from teenagers or real experience of people, so it was more realistic. There were some episodes I couldn't the same feeling, but I really felt like I'm the author in some episodes.
The ones related to friendship and relations, really reached my heart, probably because I have a lot of experience in them. The most impressive episode was 'Betty Ann'. It was about Betty Ann, who was new in school, and suddenly became a geek of the school just because she was new. The other students felt no guiltiness and just hurt Betty Ann with every word they say. Because all the other students did so, the author, Ina Hughs, just followed her friends and made fun of Betty Ann. She couldn't resist the peer pressure, and began to believe only what her friends say, not think deeply on her own about Betty Ann's feelings. When I finished the story, I felt so guilty of myself. I was Ina Hughs. I knew deeply in my heart that making fun of new, strange students is wrong and I should try to get to know them, but I just acted like I don't think that way. I acted as what my friends acted and say, just following them. I have never, acted on my own thinking, reaching out to lonely kids and trying to help them. I was always lost to peer pressure.
I was ashamed, disgusted by myself, and also worried that friends who I ignored, and made fun of would be living in a life with loneliness and fear. Because of me. It isn't entirely my fault, but I could have changed it. I could have stood up and try to be their sides. I never attempted to do that, and the fact kept piercing my heart like a sharp knife. Betty Ann story was pretty short, only about two pages, but it gave me more than two hours of thinking, and probably more than twenty years of deeper thinking into it.
The other episodes were all simple and short, some of them not really well-written, but I could feel what the author had felt. I sensed their feelings, how they were hurt, and how they were healed. Even though there were some episodes I couldn't really absorb myself into, most of them all provided me a lot of thinking to do with crucial subjects of our lives - relationship, friends, family, love and kindness, and confidence. The book helped me ponder profoundly about these issues and get to know many different people's experiences.