영어학교 1기 선배방/거북이-초5남 거북이

거북이 (초4남) WM 사용후기

깊은샘1 2007. 6. 25. 22:34

6월달 청담WM을 신청해서 해보았습니다


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이를 써야 할때 도움을 받기로 결정했습니다





If you opened your own restaurant, would you prefer to sell fast-food, or fancy food? Write a five-paragraph essay, giving specific reasons and details to support your answer.

거북이 글 


I don´t really know a lot of thing about what food will be the best to sell at the restaurant. But I went many fast-food restaurants ,like Mcdonalds, and know some benefits about them. Therefore,If I have my own restaurant,I´m going to sell fastfood. I have 3 reasons to tell you why.
 First, people only want to have their foods as fast as they could. And busy people don´t have much time to eat. Also, fast-foods are very cheap. So people likes to eat fast-foods. Then I´ll have a lot of customers and I´ll earn a lot of money!
 Second, there are less money to pay for the cooking utensils. That´s because fast-foods usually use simple ways to make.
  At last, I need less employee for me to work in a restaurant. You know, when you go to Mcdonalds, for example, they make your food and you have to take your food and bring it to the table. You think it´s normal to do that, but I read it from the book and it said that it can reduce the amount of employee salary, because there is less work to do for employees.
 As a resault, I´m going to sell fast-foods. And nowadays, people think fast-foods are bad for their health and don´t like to go to the fast-food restaurant. Maybe I´ll invent the fast-food which is good for our health and sell them in my restaurant! Then it will be a big suceed for me!


Hello 민균, your organization was good which made it easy to read. You had three good reasons, but remember to support them with relevant examples or explanations. Your second reason would have been better if you supported it in detail. I am happy with this essay because you used clear paragraphs. Your readers can easily understand where your reasons begin and end. I have no doubts that I will see even better work from you next time. Best of luck to you!