선배들네 이야기/깊은샘네

스페인 너는 자유다 - 손미나

깊은샘1 2007. 3. 15. 06:28


스페인어를 전공하게 되면서 바로 요 책을 읽었다.

가볍게 읽기에 좋은 책이란다.

스페인어공부가 재밌다니 다른 언어 배우는 걸 좋아하기는 하나보다.


2006.3.6. 스페인, 너는 자유다 - 손미나


The book didn't seem that interesting at first. I was too shocked by the 'Marshmallow' incident, which is related to a famous announcer who used her publicity to sell the book. Since the author was also a well-known TV announcer, I was afraid that this book would be a similar case. But it turned out that I didn't have to worry about it at all. The book was filled with author's own personal experiences and I could feel the writer herself while reading the book. She seemed like a very lively, powerful person who knows how to enjoy her life. She is in her thirties, which is a very hard time to make a dangerous decision that can affect one's life, but she chose to go to Spain and study again because she wanted to. She wanted freedom, rest, and time to fill her soul with difference experiences, especially in Spain, so she made a dangerous decision. I admire her confidence about herself which led to making the decision. She knew herself well, and she believed that she would do well in Spain, so that was why she decided to leave. All that confidence showed throughout the book, so the book itself was full of energy and liveliness. It just felt like the image of Spain, which I dreamed of.


The book is nothing really serious or gives people a lot to think, but it is fun and easy to read. It is not a tour guide book, but it gives people the first impression and image of Spain, and why Spain is so attractive. Combined with cheerful spirit of the author herself, the book creates a passionate image of both Spain and the author, and makes the readers feel good as they read on. It surely is an interesting book, and would be great for changing one's mood in a gloomy day.

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