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마지막조각 : Sky_'s Etude #001

깊은샘1 2007. 6. 18. 09:20


, F〕 n. (그림·조각 의) 습작, 에튀드;【음악연습곡



엄마가 블로그에 대한 말씀을 하시길래 들어와보고 글을 씁니다 :)

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul을 읽고 나서 간단한 후기입니다. 


Being a teenager myself, I tend to struggle a lot of difficulties with home, school, etc.  When I first read this book at about 3 years ago, I didn't understand why they would make their lives so miserable.   So I couldn't give them sympathy at all, because I couldn't relate to them in any way.  

But as the years grew by and I became a middle school student, I can understand their behaviors.

I feel that as if everyone has shunned me from this world, so it made me very agressive.


When my stress level was at its maximum 2 days ago, I became sick with a sore throat and thus making me to go to the school nurse.  She was also an expert on student psychology.

When she first saw me, she asked me if I had a lot going on in my mind. I was completely astonished. The school nurse was in her middle 50's, and felt like a mother. So I was telling all my problems and was practically crying my eyes out. But I felt a whole lot more relaxed when I told all of my problems.


When I came home with swollen eyes, I laid down in bed when this book(Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul 1) caught my eye. I becan to read it story after story, and fell asleep while reading it(my mother doesn't know it,of course). The thing I like about the series of 'Chicken Soup' is the part that it is "NOT FICTION".  They are real stories written by people like you or me, thus winning our sympathy and becoming a bestseller.  I personally enjoyed the Teenager's Soul series because it is written by teenagers like me with ordinary, typical problems.


Teenagers tend to do stuff that they will fully regret all their lives, but they still do it.

This book is like a map and compass, always reminding us what's right in our hearts.

Some people say that these stories are all too well-known and boring to make into a book, but I belive that is the main reason that this book became a bestseller.  It is like an entry of a journal, and you never get tired of reading one's secret diary.  So I strongly recommend to all those teenagers out there who are living in this world, because we all need hope to carry on with our lives.  And this book has 'hope' written all over it.